Community Transport

Our community transport scheme is coordinated by supportive, friendly staff. Our team of amazing volunteers drive their own cars and give their time freely to meet and help local people. This scheme is to help those who have no access to their own or public transport due to their mobility, disability, or home locality. 

Volunteer transport is provided to access appointments that are related to health and wellbeing. The appointments include but are not limited to:

  • Hospitals
  • GP surgeries, dentists or opticians
  • Mental health clinics or support groups
  • Visits to close relatives in hospital or care homes

Wherever possible our volunteer driver will wait for you and return you to your home address. If your appointment is of a longer duration, we are able to arrange for a different driver to collect you and return you to your home.

The cost of the transport is 50p per mile to be paid directly to the driver at the end of the journey. The total amount payable includes mileage to and from the driver’s home to the service user’s home. This amount can be variable; however, we will endeavour to use a volunteer driver who lives as close to the service user’s location as possible.

You can have your carer or companion accompany you. We will accommodate wheelchair users, who can independently transfer from their wheelchair into a standard-sized vehicle.

All transport provided is subject to volunteer availability. It is advisable to give as much notice as possible to facilitate your request. In an emergency, we will do our best to help.

Please call the office of Boroughbridge Community Charity to discuss your needs on 01423 324504; email:
The office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm.